Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Omnivoirs Dilemma: Michael Pollan

     Through his writing, Michael Pollan offers what seems to be credible information towards his audience. His knowledge on the subject and the fact that he uses personal experiences to provide this information unto his audience makes me interested in the way he writes and exhibits facts through this writing. His use of words and wide range of knowledge on the subject of farming and similar areas allow him to support his claim that reorganization is necessary within the farming industry. Also, it is important to note the passion he has in learning and presenting the information that is relevant and also bolsters his credibility and makes it easier for the audience to enjoy and listen to what he is saying.
      It was interesting to see that most of his information that he was presenting was gathered by conducting interviews and through personal experiences. This made his writing more understandable and relatable because he is drawing the audience into a specific experience and allows them to feel more a part of something. He does use statistics, but Pollan does a nice job in explaining them and once again making his writing and research more understandable for the audience. The facts are surprising and interesting, which once again gain reader attention. Through the use of interviews, personal experiences, and description of processes, Pollan makes it easier on himself to state his claim and also makes it easier on the audience to follow along and trust his credibility and sources.

     Overall, although some of the information present in the writing was in-depth, Pollan provided excellent explanations in presenting his case and supporting his claim. He is a very interesting writer, but also uses unique ways of research to keep the audience interested and allows them to follow along more closely. Pollan does seem to be a credible source in presenting information and provided an easy read even though so much information was present.

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